Purpose of Course:
The middle school physical education and health class at UISD offer two semesters of rigorous curriculum that promotes the physical, emotional, and social development of each student. The coursework has been designed to provide students with activities that enhance their fitness level, as well as create an awareness and appreciation of lifetime sports and exercises that emphasize a healthy lifestyle. A continuous emphasis will be placed on wellness, self-esteem, respect for others, and making wise decisions in the area of growth and development while engaging in physical education. UISD uses the SPARK curriculum to enrich the lives of all students through education and the development of physical activity and health promotion.
Physical education classes will consist of three six-week units for each semester. These units follow the U.I.S.D. physical education scope and sequence as well as SPARK Curriculum. UISD has the following curriculum in place for 6th and 7th-grade levels.
Course Content:
Each class will conduct the following sports for 6th and 7th grade three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, teachers will follow the health components from the SPARK curriculum to teach all UISD students.
Grading Policy:
Every six weeks—12 Daily assignments 4 Test Grades
6 Week Units 6th PE (M-W-F) 6th Health (T-TH)
Week 1-6 Volleyball Spark Curriculum
Week 7-12 Flag Football Spark Curriculum Fitnessgram Test
Week 13-18 Fitness Spark Curriculum
Week 19-24 Basketball Spark Curriculum Fitnessgram Test
Week 25-30 Track & Field Spark Curriculum
Week 31-36 Ultimate Frisbee Spark Curriculum