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1 Absolute Value/Compare and Order Integers
2 Convert Fractions to Decimals/Decimals to Fractions
3 Convert Decimals to Percent, Decimals to Percents, Fractions to Percents
4 Classify Rational Numbers, Compare and Order Rational Numbers
5 CBA # 1, Graph ordered pairs in all four quadrants
6 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Integers


7 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Rational Numbers
8 Multiply Fractions/Tell whether fractions increase or decrease when multiplying
9 Ratios/Rates
10 CBA # 2, Proportions
11 Convert units of measure with proportions
12 Solve Percent- Whole, Part, and Percent


13 Exponents/prime factorization
14 Properties of Mathematics
15 CBA # 3, Distinguish between expressions/equations
16 Translate between tables and expressions
17 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Equations
18 Inequalities


19 Semester Exams
20 Independent and Dependent Quantities in Table 
21 Additive/Multiplicative Relationship, Triangle Properties
22 Area of Quadrilaterals/Triangles
23 Area of Quadrilaterals/Triangles
24 Benchmark


25 Volume of Prisms
26 Central Tendencies
27 Stem-Leaf, Box-Whiskers, Dot Plot,
28 Interpret Box and Whisker Plot with IQR
29 Checking Account
30 Financial Literacy


31 Category 4 Review
32  Category 3 Review
33 Category 2 Review
34 Category 1 Review
36 A mix of Seventh-grade material/Finals