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Message from the Principal

Image of Principal Clare Flores Lamar Bruni Vergara Middle School

Dear LBVM School Families,

Welcome to the 2023 – 2024 school year! We are excited to welcome our students, staff, and parents back to school.  We hope that your summer was relaxing and that you were able to spend quality time with your family.  We look forward to a new school year as we “Rock” our way to success.

Our staff have been attending trainings and fixing their classrooms throughout the summer in order to prepare for the new school year.  We are grateful to our amazing custodians for working long summer hours to get our campus in pristine shape.  

LBVMS is an exceptional campus to learn, grow, and shine.  We are proud of our outstanding school and we have high expectations for all students.  As a campus, we strive to make connections with students to help them feel valued, accepted, and safe.  

We want to become partners with our LBVMS families in order to promote learning which will help develop our students into confident, smart, and successful learners.  Communication is the key to support your child’s learning.

We look forward to what this amazing school year has in store for us!  Welcome Back!!!!



Mrs. Clare Flores


Lamar Bruni Vergara Middle School